
Keepin' Busy...

Namaste all! Things were crazy hectic the last few weeks. We have officially completed the book writing workshop with the 41 sixth graders! Whew. One weekend we had a workshop on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday back-to-back while library trainings were occurring. The library trainings were multipurpose and taught teachers and a handful of students how to catalogue the books in the library as well as discussed uses of the library and fun activities they can do. The trainings were Saturday, Sunday, and Monday of that same week. In the middle of all of this I got sick again, but this time with the worst sore throat I can remember having in a long time. One night I woke up and thought I couldn’t breath. Because we were so busy I knew it was important to get well quickly so I went to a local clinic, got lots of medicines and within two days I was back to normal! Oh in the midst of all of this we were running around the city taking pictures of different professions for the children’s book about profession in Nepal. Thankfully when I was sick Sneha’s friend, Nistha, accompanied Sneha to take the pictures. I am very grateful that she did that!

Now we are working on getting the three books published. We are mainly concentrating on the kid’s workshop book because we need copies of it for the inauguration of the library. We are also trying to finish taking pictures of all the professions for the professions book because it will be easy to put together. Then Sneha can concentrate on the illustrations for the cow book. I’m working on budget and preface and acknowledgements for the books as well as getting excited about job interviews and filling out lots of job applications. Hopefully I’ll get a bite somewhere! I’m also very very excited to see my mom and aunt who are arriving August 2nd. It’ll be nice to have some downtime after lots of work!


Margaret Ann said...

Jackie, you never cease to amaze me! I am so impressed by all that you all are doing. I can only imagine that it is difficult and frustrating at times and yet rewarding to see it all come together. Keep it up, girl. Besos y abrazos!

Monica Ogra said...

Hello, Jackie!! This is all so wonderful -- Keep up the great work! Sending hugs and good wishes to you and Sneha, and all the best for a splendid opening of the library!!