
hey is that dynamite?

So it’s almost the “end.” But really it’s only the end of studying abroad, something I’ve dreamed about for a long long time. And it’s been everything and nothing like I’ve expected.

But enough sappy stuff, I’m in La Paz, again (4th time) and much to my joy, a friend from the program didn’t have too many set plans after the program so Matt is here with me in La Paz. Therefore I’m not going crazy, nor am I lonely.

So today they were introducing the new constitution. And from about 9am we started seeing the many marches along the main road in front of our hostel. Starting with the Ponchos Rojos, which Matt and I still don’t really know who they are (sorry Ernesto) but let’s just say they recently killed 2 dogs so the press would pay attention to them.

Then Matt and I were walking around the main road, shopping and getting stuff done and I look up and ask “Hey Matt, why are there a whole bunch of men marching towards us with helmets?” He responded “Hey I think they are miners (he should know that’s who he did his ISP with).” We walked a little further and I asked “Hey Matt why are they all covering their ears?” BOOOOM BOOOOM BOOOOM dynamite is set off three times about 50 yards in front of us. Then Matt asks, “Why are they all screaming tira?” BOOM BOOM BOOM three more times, we quickly figured out tira meant they were setting off the dynamite and we followed suit by covering our ears and picking up our pace because 1. you never know what’s going to happen in Bolivia 2. you actually felt the pressure from the explosion we were so close 3. it was loud.

Oh Bolivia

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