
An Earthquake?

Things just keep getting more and more interesting...

My parents came in on Wednesday night and Megan and Ricky tried to leave, without much sucess, the one Delta flight that flies out everyday has been oversold until the end of the month, they were not going anywhere. So they had to buy a ticket to fly to Santiago to get a Delta flight out of there. I was in the airport until about 2:30 making sure they got taken care of, though I still haven't heard from them, which worries me...

So everything went smoothly for my parents and the next morning we woke up to have breakfast and talk to a travel agent to get some ideas about what we should do for 10 days. We made up a pretty nice plan to take a trip down south, cross into Chile and then they get a flight to Santiago so they won't be gambling with the one flight in Lima. We went to his office that night to confirm everything and when we were about done things started to shake, pretty hard. We ran outside with the other people in the office building and everything was pretty surreal. The quake lasted for a good minute and it was pretty strong. A window shattered from the 2nd story of the office building and we quickly ran accross the street to get away from the glass windows. When things calmed down we went back inside and tried to finish our travel plans, but things were slow because all the phone lines were tied up.

After getting home we realized the epicenter of the quake was in Ica/Pisco area, the exact towns we were suppose to be going the next day. We got a call this morning from the travel agent saying we definately couldn't go to these towns and our plans need to be rearanged. So we spent a few hours this morning figuring out what our other options are for the rest of the trip. I just received another call from him saying we could leave tomorrow to go to Nazca. I'm really excited about that because there have been little tremmors all night and day since the big one last night, and we are 4 hours away from the epicenter!

What a trip this has been!

The broken glass on the sidewalk.

1 comment:

Mykul Lancaster said...

Good luck, and stay safe!